NJ 101.5: Fewer Crimes Committed by Young Offenders in NJ

April 11, 2014

Fewer crimes are being committed by young offenders in New Jersey.  That’s the headline from our friends at NJ 101.5, who say that, “more kids who commit crimes are being kept in their communities, instead of being locked up in a detention center, and the result has been a significant drop in the number of crimes committed by young offenders.”

Bart Lubow, director, Juvenile Justice Strategy Group at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore says that, “Research clearly supports the approach of treating youth in their own communities – not in large institutions miles away from home.  New Jersey is a success story in reducing reliance on county detention. The state is poised to take the next step forward. We can do things differently, continue to save money and not compromise public safety.”

The Community Foundation of New Jersey has recently waded into the juvenile justice space, having partnered with Rutgers Law School to provide legal representation to incarcerated youth.  To learn more about our efforts and support this important work, click here.

For the full NJ 101.5 article, click here.