Community Foundation of New Jersey

Census 2020 Briefing: How to Support a Complete Count in NJ

Please save the date – Tuesday, September 17th – for a briefing on the importance of a full and accurate census count to New Jersey’s nonprofit organizations and the people and communities they serve – with emphasis on how to support a complete count.

Speakers include:

Kiki Jamieson, President, The Fund for New Jersey
Peter Chen, Policy Counsel, Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Lisa Moore, Assistant Regional Census Manager, US Census Bureau

Conversation will focus on nonprofit organizations that work with clients who could be under-represented in the count, including how these organizations can effectively raise awareness, share knowledge, and alleviate census-related concerns in order to reach the goal of counting everyone in New Jersey.

9:00 – 11:00am
Program begins promptly at 9:30am

South Orange Performing Arts Center
One SOPAC Way, South Orange, NJ 07079

RSVP to Dayana Toledo-Mendoza at

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