Community Foundation of New Jersey

HIV diagnoses down a third in US

July 29, 2014

A recent report in the Journal of the American Medical Association has good news relating to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The rate of diagnoses for the disease in the United States are down by roughly one third over the past decade.

Although the HIV virus was once thought to be incurable and immediately deadly, new medicines can regulate HIV.  Experts say that the decline in diagnoses points to people receiving the right treatments, which prevent the HIV virus from progressing into AIDS.

Although the rate of diagnosis declined for nearly all age and demographic groups, it increased slightly among young homosexual men, particularly African Americans.  Health experts point to this group’s relative lower access to health servicse.

Determined to make a difference, the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) functions as a co-convening organization and fund manager for the NJ Aids Partnership – the only charitable organization that is solely committed to ending the HIV/Aids epidemic. As a collaborative effort supported by a variety of stakeholders, the NJ Aids Partnership works with CFNJ to designate and support grantees, coordinate finding and support effective interventions.

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