Community Foundation of New Jersey

Investing in Delivering Medical Technology to India & Africa

Much of our world’s population does not have access to life-saving medical technologies that developed markets take for granted as part of healthcare delivery.

These are the products that treat complications in pregnancy and help diagnose cervical and breast cancer before it’s too late. These are the innovations that address our world’s epidemic increase in diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These are the devices needed to deliver oxygen to babies and children, allow for safe surgeries, and offer new low-resource solutions for intensive care.

There is a particularly compelling need for improved access to medical technologies addressing Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). In contrast to other areas of health spending, global assistance for NCDs is disproportionately low – alarmingly out of step with the fact that these diseases represent our biggest emerging global health crisis. Those living in low-resource and underserved healthcare settings are where many of our world’s NCD burdens are most serious and where trends are most troubling. Yet to date, there has not been meaningful progress in improving access to life-saving medical technologies for the populations often at highest risk.

Two of our fundholders took matters into their own hands and launched an impact venture fund to turn the tide, focusing first on India and Africa. TEAMFund brings together a first-of-its kind alliance of MedTech sector companies and veterans to provide industry expertise and investing discipline, with a mission of expanding access to MedTech innovations for low-resource populations, while returning capital to limited partners.

Community Foundation fundholders are invited to learn more about TEAMFund and to consider investing through your fund. Visit or contact Hans Dekker at or 973-267-5533

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