Community Foundation of New Jersey

NJ Recovery Fund Update: Grantee Convening & Assessment

April 22, 2014

The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation engaged the Center for Whole Communities (CWC) to lead grantees through the development of a goals and an assessment rubric for their work, which defines objectives and assesses the grantees’ contribution toward achieving those goals. The process of creating the rubric was important to NJRF efforts as it clearly articulated to grantees the impact the grants could make on New Jersey’s recovery from Sandy.

In June 2013 and January 2014, CWC facilitated two meetings of all NJRF grantees, their respective staffs, and leadership from CFNJ and Dodge. These meetings created a much-needed opportunity for grantees to learn more about each other’s work, make connections within and across sectors, seed conversations and identify opportunities for collaboration. The two meetings underscored that grantees were working in a collective context and that their project goals were mutually reinforcing. A third meeting is being planned for June 26, 2014 to gather feedback on the rubric process, assess what support is needed by grantees, and reflect on the recovery process to date.

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