
American Water Employee Crisis Fund

American Water employees work hard every day to provide safe, clean, reliable water and wastewater services to customers. Occasionally, one of our own employees is impacted by an unforeseen situation, such as a natural disaster or family emergency. To assist in providing an effective and sustainable way to support employees during times of need, the American Water Charitable Foundation (AWCF) is pleased to offer the American Water Employee Crisis Fund.…

Fundholder Helps Young New Jerseyans Fight Substance Abuse

December 28, 2016 For Gail O’Brien, a fundholder at the Community Foundation of New Jersey, the fight against substance abuse is top of mind at morning, noon, and night. As the founder of the Parents Coalition for Substance Abuse Awareness (PCSAA) and a member of The Adam O’Brien Recovery Foundation, Gail has raised funds and provided support for countless young adults in New Jersey seeking detox, treatment, and sober living homes.…

Honorable Ann P. Conti Scholarship Fund Accepting Applications

November 30, 2016 The Community Foundation of New Jersey today announced that the Honorable Ann P. Conti Scholarship is accepting applications for the Fall 2017 term. The merit scholarship will award $2,500 to a Union County resident attending a New Jersey law school on a full-time basis.…

Plan Your Year-End Giving

As we head into the holiday season and look forward to the New Year, our entire team at the Community Foundation of New Jersey is proud to celebrate you and all the families and businesses that contribute to the vitality and wellbeing of others throughout our state, the nation, and the world.…

Three Great Options for #GivingTuesday

November 29, 2016 Giving Tuesday has become a national day of philanthropy – a day to think about organizations doing great work to make our communities and the world we live in a better place. This Giving Tuesday, there are so many ways you can contribute resources to worthy causes and institutions.…

Impact 100 Jersey Coast Awards Inaugural $145,000 Grant to 180 Turning Lives Around

November 21, 2016 Impact 100 Jersey Coast held its first annual meeting Thursday evening, where the organization awarded its first inaugural $145,000 grant to 180 Turning Lives Around for its Family Justice Center program. According to Aimee Remey, Chair of Impact Communications, cheers and applause filled the room at the Navesink Country Club, where 135 Impact members, finalists and guests gathered to hear presentations from five Impact grant finalists.…

Fundholders, Volunteers Welcome Syrian Refugee Family to Morris County

November 17, 2016 A coalition of faith-based religious organizations welcomed a tired but excited family of Syrian refugees at Newark Airport on Nov. 8 and drove them to their new home in a fully-furnished apartment north of Morristown. This is the first family to arrive in Morris County under the sponsorship of Church World Service (CWS), the relief arm of the National Council of Churches, and Refugee Assistance Morris Partners (RAMP). …

Impact 100 Awards $244,000 in High-Impact Grants

November 4, 2016 Hector, son of a single mom, has been bullied at school and struggled socially. But he has a passion for the viola and now has what he calls his “viola family.”  Melissa has a long history of physical and sexual abuse by her biological family and spent many years in the foster care system.…