
Tommy Brower Scholarship Fund Welcomes Applications

This scholarship is awarded in loving memory of Tommy Brower — a 1989 graduate of Freehold Boro High School — who is remembered for his love of his family and friends, his fun-loving personality, his infectious laugh, and his competitive nature.…

Resources for Scholarship Applicants

At the Community Foundation, we are proud to administer more than 100 scholarships, benefiting thousands of students across New Jersey and the country. But we’re even more proud of the scholarship recipients themselves who are working each day toward their goal of a college education.…

New Paths Newark Aims to Help Laid-Off Educators

June 4, 2015   On Wednesday, the Community Foundation of New Jersey was proud to join Newark Public Schools Superintendent Cami Anderson and lead funder, the Foundation for Newark’s Future, at the New Jersey Historical Society for the launch ofNew Paths Newark, an innovative approach to helping those impacted by recent layoffs.…

CFNJ Launches ‘Scholarship Opportunity Fund’

April 21, 2015 For too many of New Jersey’s young people, the dream of a college education is simply beyond their reach. In some of the state’s lowest income communities, not even 20% of high school graduates have the opportunity to attend college.…

Fundholders Help Students Learn Differently, Learn More

March 18, 2015 When Nancy and Tom Kingsbury saw how their granddaughter blossomed at AIM Academy, they knew the school was, in their words, “something exceptional.”  Isabella, now 12, had struggled with traditional learning. At AIM she had found herself in a different type of classroom where all of her hard work would lead her to thrive.…