
Community Foundation Awards $1.2 Million in Scholarships

September 3, 2019 The Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) today announced that it is granting a total of $1,268,183 in scholarships to 279 students for the Fall 2019 term. The scholarship awards come from funds CFNJ manages on behalf of philanthropic families and companies.…

Impact 100 Garden State Sponsorships

Impact 100 Garden State invites support for its robust series of meetings, programs, and events. Members, local businesses, or corporations can participate by sponsoring an event, underwriting an education program, donating cash, or providing goods or services. We are an all-volunteer organization.…

Friends of Impact 100 Garden State

Donating to Impact 100 Garden State (GS) provides an opportunity for anyone – men, women, foundations, businesses – to participate in our mission.  Impact 100 GS is an all-volunteer philanthropic organization. The grants we award are funded by member donations. Because no expenses are deducted from member dollars, we welcome the contributions of friends, sponsors, and others.…

Matthew Thomas Toriello Memorial Fund

Our son, brother, uncle and friend Matt Toriello worked through his life to help others — especially anyone who was young or struggling. His unique gift was an ability to make all feel welcome and valued, young or old, healthy or sick, popular or not.…

Summer Update on Double Up Food Bucks in New Jersey

August 9, 2019 The Double Up Food Bucks program we helped to bring to New Jersey in July 2019 continues to gain in participation through the one-year mark. Through a partnership with the national nonprofit Fair Food Network, Double Up Food Bucks matches the value of NJ SNAP dollars spent on fresh fruits and vegetables, helping low-income families bring home more nutritious foods.…

Community Foundation Hiring a Staff Accountant

July 31, 2019 The largest community foundation in New Jersey, the Community Foundation of New Jersey is a center for philanthropy for our state and region. Our mission is to support charitable giving that is inspired by our donors, targeted at making our communities stronger, driven by creative solutions, and effective in achieving lasting change.…

The Josh Link Foundation Fund

The Josh Link Foundation was established in 2009 as a living tribute to Joshua David Link, reflecting his legacy of kindness, creativity, and love of music. In his 29 years, Josh touched many lives with friendship, humor, and an incredible sense of empathy.…

The Dorthaan Kirk Opportunity Fund

The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarships to students in high school and college from the greater Newark area, who have insufficient financial resources, and have a sincere interest in a future career as a jazz performer, writer, promoter, manager, broadcast professional, attending musical workshops or participating in any other musical event or profession that keeps America’s true art form of jazz alive and thriving in our communities and around the world.…

Dr. John Bunnell Scholarship of Music Fund

Please consider a gift to the Dr. John Bunnell Scholarship of Music Fund. Click to give online. Additionally, cash contributions may be made by check payable and mailed to: Community Foundation of New Jersey Post Office Box 338 Morristown, New Jersey 07963-0338 For wiring instructions for cash contributions, please contact: Lydia Gracey at (973) 267-5533 or