
NJ Jumps to 23rd Nationally for School Breakfast

February 16, 2016 *We are pleased to share the below release from our friends and partners at Advocates for Children of New Jersey* New Jersey advanced to 23rd in the nation for increasing the percent of low-income students who receive a healthy morning meal at the start of the school day, giving them the nutrition they need to concentrate and learn, according to a national released today.…

In the Shadow of Liberty: New Jersey Immigration

February 8, 2016 In a time of heated political rhetoric, NJ Spotlight has a unique opportunity for supporting in-depth coverage of a topic sorely in need of nuanced reporting: immigration. Today, NJ Spotlight — in partnership with Montclair State University’s Center for Cooperative Media — will launch a $30,000 crowd-funding effort to tell the story of how nearly 2 million immigrants live in the country’s most diverse and densely-populated state.…

Major Momentum on Juvenile Justice

January 26, 2016 This morning, President Obama announced that he would direct the Justice Department to ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles in federal facilities and as a response to low-level infractions. In a Washington Post op-ed announcing the order, the president pointed to examples in Colorado and New Mexico where solitary confinement has been reduced and the result has been fewer assaults on prison staff and more promising participation in rehabilitation programs.…

“Modern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking by Any Other Name” Forum is January 31st

This Forum on human trafficking will be moderated by NJ Coalition Facilitator, Melanie Roth Gorelick, and feature  Isabel Vincent; Author of “Bodies and Souls” Investigative Reporter New York Post, Heather Hadley; Assistant Prosecutor Mercer County Human Trafficking Liaison, and Sophia Lane; Sanar Wellness Institute Director of Training & Consultative Services “Modern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking by Any Other Name” January 31st 1pm – 3pm The Jewish Center, 435 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ Sponsored by The Jewish Center, NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Center for Jewish Life at Princeton, and Stop Abusive Relationships at Home (S.A.R.A.H.)…

RWJ Human Trafficking Forum on January 27th

The NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking along with Robert Wood Johnson and its community partners are hosting a forum addressing human trafficking on Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 to increase awareness and knowledge of this modern day slavery. Click here for more info.…

Madison Rotary Foundation Announces “End Hunger 3.6” project

January 21, 2016 The Madison Rotary Club and Foundation is seeking the community’s support of their recently announced End Hunger 3.6 Project of 2016.   The number 3.6 indicates that every 3.6 seconds, someone dies of malnutrition or starvation. The project’s goal is to prepare and package between 100,000 – 150,000 meals to be distributed to various non-profit, hunger-focused organizations throughout New Jersey and New York City.…

SHWF & CFNJ Fund New Bancroft Disabilities Wellness Center

January 13, 2016 The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation and the Community Foundation of New Jersey announced today a grant to Bancroft for $197,548 to establish a Health and Wellness center at its Lakeside campus in Pittsgrove, NJ. Bancroft, a leading nonprofit provider of specialized services for children and adults with autism, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, and those in need of neurological rehabilitation, received the grant to enhance access to quality medical care for adult residents by bringing medical specialists together under one roof.…