
NJ Spotlight Examines Post-Sandy Planning

July 24, 2013 NJ Spotlight recently tackled the tougher issues of rebuilding New Jersey in their aptly-titled, “Post-Sandy Recovery: Balancing Regional Planning and Home Rule.”  We encourage you to read it by clicking here. Here’s an excerpt from the piece that captures local tensions about rebuilding: Over the past 50 years, Lynch says he’s heard the growing calls by environmentalists for people and development to move away from the most vulnerable areas of the coast, places like Seaside Heights, Mantoloking and Ortley Beach.

Union Beach Campers Write Home

July 24, 2013 Earlier this summer, we told you the story of a group of Madison residents who worked together to sponsor camperships for children from Union Beach, a town truly ravaged by Hurricane Sandy.  Click here to read that story. …

Called to Serve: Veterans Recovering Through Community Service

July 22, 2013 Nearly 2.5 million Americans have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Many of these men and women return home to face enormous challenges: backlogged claims for benefits, homelessness, physical and emotional trauma and difficulty adjusting to civilian life.  Efforts to alleviate this transition have increased, and several nonprofit organizations work to assist service members as they settle into life at home.…

Community Foundation Heralds New Law That Boosts Charitable Giving

July 22, 2013 The Community Foundation of New Jersey today congratulated Governor Chris Christie and Members of the Legislature for supporting legislation that will make it easier for former New Jersey residents to give to New Jersey charitable organizations. The new law, S-2532/A-3860, specifically “disallows the Division of Taxation to consider a person’s charitable contributions as a factor in determining one’s income tax obligations.”…

Neighborhood House Provides Local Internships

July 19, 2013 The Morristown Neighborhood House helps working families, many of them including new immigrants, “maximize their educational, social, physical, and economic potential.”  Turns out, one of the services they provide is especially important to Thomas Friedman of the New York Times.…

Fundholder Supports Rehab for New Jersey’s Birds of Prey

July 12, 2013 New Jersey is home to a broad variety of raptors including osprey, owls, and the iconic bald eagle. Many of these birds are listed as endangered or State Threatened species and some are even facing extinction. As natural habitats are lost or fragmented, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection calls on biologists, conservation groups and citizens alike to help protect NJ’s native bird species.…

National HIV Testing Day: Where Do You Stand?

July 12, 2013 Have you been tested? In a recent article by, the U.S. Center for Disease Control estimates that only 40% of American adults have been tested for HIV. This number needs improvement, advocates say, as 32% of HIV patients are diagnosed long after the disease has progressed.…

Mercer County Fund Allocates $39,500 in Local Grants

July 11, 2013 The Mercer County Fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) today announced its latest round of local grants in keeping with its 2013 focus on improving educational and job-training opportunities for middle school and high school age youth in the Trenton area.…

Helping Kids Cope with Childhood Anxiety Disorder

July 9, 2013 Kids are known for being afraid of the usual round-up of scary things: spiders, the dark, monsters under the bed. Most of the time, kids outgrow these fears and move on to more rational concerns like paying rent, first dates and graduating from college.…