
Inherited IRAs: Big headache, or big opportunity? 

September 13, 2022 If you’re bewildered by something you’ve read recently about the IRS’s distribution rules for inherited IRAs, you’re not alone. What’s the back story? Until the law changed a few years ago, an individual who was named as the beneficiary of a parent’s IRA, for example, could count on a relatively straightforward and tax-savvy method of withdrawals called the “stretch IRA.”…

Community Foundation Grants $1.5 Million in Scholarship Funds

The Community Foundation of New Jersey’s scholarship team today announced $1,575,096 in scholarship awards have been granted this month to cover educational expenses for 261 individual students. While most of the students and institutions of higher learning are in New Jersey, the list extends beyond Rutgers, Montclair State, NJIT, and the County College of Morris (the most popular among recipients) to also include Brown, Cornell, Harvard, and colleges and universities in another 23 states.…

Interventions That Work: Foster Care

More than 6,500 children in New Jersey were removed from their families in 2020. The fate of these children rests on a child welfare and foster care system that is not only functional, but also responsive to their needs and in tune with the latest public health research.…

Planning a Benevolent Exit

If you’re a business owner, at some point you may begin thinking about an exit strategy. Before you start putting out feelers to potential acquirers, you may wish to explore the benefits of contributing an ownership interest in your business to a donor advised fund or other type of fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey.…

Impact 100 Garden State has Record-Breaking Year in 2022

June 27, 2022 Impact 100 Garden State, an all-women organization for collective giving and a fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey, has entered a record-breaking year as it celebrates its 10th anniversary of giving. The organization has announced: 364 members, the biggest number ever $364,000 to give in grants in 2022, the highest amount ever An 85% renewal rate and 64 new members, despite the challenges of the pandemic Two special 10th Anniversary Grants of $20,000 each, one in the area of Arts & Culture and the other in the category of Environment, Preservation & Recreation, to be awarded in October 2022.…

How to use the new fundholder portal

The team at the Community Foundation has been working hard to implement a new fundholder portal system, which will improve your experience at the Community Foundation and provide up-to-the-minute fund information. Our secure fundholder portal lets you manage your fund online by viewing your fund balance, submitting grant recommendations, and viewing past grants.…