RSI Foundation

Investing in opportunities that elevate the quality of life for all who live, learn, work, play, worship, or age in Rahway, NJ and surrounding communities.


Who We Are

Created from the merger between Columbia Bank and RSI Bank in 2022, the RSI Foundation’s purpose is to continue the tradition of community giving that was critical to RSI Bank.

RSI Foundation works together with Columbia Bank, Columbia Bank Foundation, community organizations and other charitable foundations to make a difference in the communities formerly served by RSI Bank.


Our Focus Areas

Our philanthropic work is based in two areas of focus:


1. Partnering with marginalized populations. We partner with groups helping those who may be unable to meet their basic needs due to physical, mental, economic, or social circumstances or constraints.


2. Improving neighborhood quality of life. We support organizations, projects and initiatives that contribute to the health, happiness and well-being of people who live within the community.

Eligibility Criteria

Organizations and programs or projects must meet all of the criteria below:

  • Applicant organization is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code, government agency, or religious institution
  • Applicant organization is in good standing with the IRS
  • Applicant organization has been in operation for at least two years
  • Applicant organization demonstrates a need for private financial support
  • Program or project demonstrates impact in the Foundation’s geographic area of focus (Rahway, NJ and/or the surrounding communities in Union and Middlesex Counties)
  • Program or project has direct relevance to the Foundation’s areas of focus (see Our Focus Areas)


We do not financially support:

  • Political organizations or candidates running for office
  • Individuals
  • Fraternal organizations
  • Labor organizations
  • Endowment funds
  • Benefit fundraisers (such as event sponsorships, dinner tickets, tricky tray events)
  • Sports-booster clubs
  • General operations funding requests (indirect costs that support the operations of the applicant organization)
  • Event sponsorships and conferences

Application Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

1. Specific Community Need
The program/project addresses a specific need in the community and falls within the Foundation’s areas of focus.


2. Measurable Impact
The program/project offers a clear, measurable impact or benefit to the community as a whole or a special segment of the population.


3. Achievability
The program or project is achievable with the resources (staff/volunteer, financial, history of programs) of the organization.


4. Realistic Expectations
The program or project has outlined a realistic goal, timeline, and reasonable budget.

How to Apply

Grant requests must be submitted online through the application portal to be considered by RSI Foundation. You will be required to register your organization in the online application portal.

Please note, all organizations submitting a grant request will be asked to upload a project budget in addition to other documentation.

Grant awards typically range between $2,500 – $25,000. Larger or smaller grant amounts may be considered by the Board but limited based on available funding.

If you have any questions while preparing your application materials, please contact Lydia Gracey at


RSI Foundation’s 2024 grant request cycle

RSI’s 2024 grant cycle has now closed. Please check back next summer for information about the next grant cycle.

Applicants notified of acceptance/denial by November 1, 2024


We understand you may have questions prior to submitting your application to RSI Foundation. Please direct all inquiries to: Lydia Gracey,