
Memorial Gift Provides Educational Opportunity

July 28, 2015 Joan and Katie never met and they probably never will. They come from different backgrounds and different parts of New Jersey. But after Joan’s friend passed, and Katie’s job was reduced to part-time, the Community Foundation of New Jersey was able to align the two women’s unique goals for a common and important purpose.…

Resources for Scholarship Applicants

At the Community Foundation, we are proud to administer more than 100 scholarships, benefiting thousands of students across New Jersey and the country. But we’re even more proud of the scholarship recipients themselves who are working each day toward their goal of a college education.…

New Paths Newark Aims to Help Laid-Off Employees

June 4, 2015 On Wednesday, the Community Foundation of New Jersey was proud to join Newark Public Schools Superintendent Cami Anderson and lead funder, the Foundation for Newark’s Future, at the New Jersey Historical Society for the launch of New Paths Newark, an innovative approach to helping those impacted by recent layoffs.…

CFNJ Launches ‘Scholarship Opportunity Fund’

April 21, 2015 For too many of New Jersey’s young people, the dream of a college education is simply beyond their reach. In some of the state’s lowest income communities, not even 20% of high school graduates have the opportunity to attend college.…

Fundholders Help Students Learn Differently, Learn More

March 18, 2015 When Nancy and Tom Kingsbury saw how their granddaughter blossomed at AIM Academy, they knew the school was, in their words, “something exceptional.”  Isabella, now 12, had struggled with traditional learning. At AIM she had found herself in a different type of classroom where all of her hard work would lead her to thrive.…

Giving Opportunity: Morristown Tutoring Program

January 8, 2015 Several fundholders at the Community Foundation have supported or expressed interest in supporting the Morristown Neighborhood House Tutoring and Mentoring Program, managed by Cornerstone Family Programs. The Neighborhood House Tutoring and Mentoring Program provides economic opportunities and mentoring to encourage students to finish high school and continue their education in a two to four-year college program or comparable vocational program.…

Afghan Girls: Meet Nahid

December 10, 2014 This summer, Nahid – ’15, Skidmore – participated in The Faculty Student Summer Research Program which enables teams of Skidmore faculty and students to engage in significant projects during the summer. Along with her faculty adviser, Nahid prepared and presented her project entitled Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Women and Development in Afghanistan.…

Afghan Girls: Meet Geeta

December 10, 2014 This year AGFAF was fortunate to have been granted the opportunity to send two students to Hollins.  Geeta ’16 and Husnia ’16 both graduated from community college in the spring and are settling in well as Juniors at Hollins.…

Year-End Update from the Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund

October 21, 2014 The below update is from our friends at the Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund.  We are proud to work with this wonderful organization making a real difference for young women.   Summer internships, academic research, volunteer work, travel and relaxation – our students did it all this summer.  …