
Fundholder Project: Keeping Carly’s Love and Legacy Alive

October 15, 2014 Nothing is more heartbreaking than losing a child. Haworth, New Jersey native Carly Elizabeth Hughes was just two days shy of her 24th birthday when she was diagnosed with gastric cancer in October 2012. She fought the disease with determination and endured radiation, chemotherapy, and multiple operations before passing away on February 17, 2013.…

NJ School Breakfast Participation Rises 55 Percent

October 7, 2014 Scroll down for a release from our friends at Advocates for Children of New Jersey, who have some good news to share about school breakfast participation rates in the state.  We’re proud members of the Food for Thought School Breakfast Campaign and are working with with this important coalition to provide more breakfasts after the school bell rings (not before), which significantly boosts student participation.

CFNJ Sends Best Wishes to Hunt Scholarship Recipient

August 18, 2014 The Community Foundation of New Jersey sends best wishes to Raina Dhir, recipient of the J. Oscar and Florence Hunt Scholarship, as she enters her senior year at the University of Pennsylvania.  Raina is majoring in Bioengineering with minors in Asian American Studies and Engineering Entrepreneurship. …

CFNJ Grant Supports Mural at Boonton School

June 27, 2014 What once were standard white hallways are now beautiful murals at the John Hill School in Boonton, thanks to the hard work of students and a grant from the Community Foundation’s Morris County Committee. More than 600 students, teachers, staff, and other community members worked together to create the mural featuring uplifting words and artwork.…

Afghan Girls: Meet Fatima

May 8, 2014 Eighteen year old Fatima’s goal is to empower women and promote equality in Afghanistan. With the help of the Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund, Fatima is one step closer to that goal – having graduated George School and heading to Lafayette College in the fall.…

Afghan Girls: Meet Malahat

May 6, 2014 The Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (AGFAF) at the Community Foundation does truly amazing work. Now we’d like to highlight the achievements of several of the girls supported by the Fund. The first story in this installment is about Malahat, a young woman who first came to the United States in 2009.…

Garden State Breakfast Summit on March 27th

March 5, 2014 New Jersey’s Food for Thought School Breakfast Campaign, of which we are a proud member, has an important event coming up. The Garden State School Breakfast Summit will take place Thursday, March 27, 2014 from  9:00am to 12:00pm at the Lafayette Yard Hotel & Conference Center (Wyndam), 1 West Lafayette Street, Trenton, NJ 08608.…

ACNJ: Newark Kids Make Progress Over 10 Years

February 12, 2014 Our friends and partners at Advocates for Children of New Jersey have more good news to announce.  In their latest report,  Newark Kids Count 2014, the group shows that Newark children improved in eight of 10 critical measures of child well-being over a 10-year span. …

NJ Jumps to 37th Nationally for School Breakfast

February 5, 2014 Good news!  Our friends and partners at Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) report that, “after being nearly last in the nation for years, New Jersey jumped to 37th place for serving more children from low-income families a healthy breakfast at the start of their school day, according to a [new] national report.…

Breakfast After the Bell Gives Students a Healthy Start

January 23, 2014 We’ve had a lot to say about school breakfast over the years – teaming up with Advocates for Children of New Jersey on their “NJ Food for Though School Breakfast Campaign” – and it’s why we’re especially proud to share this video of Denise King, Principal of the Bernice B.…