
Too Rich, Too Soon?

March 25, 2013 The lottery, an inheritance, or a brilliant business idea – coming into great wealth quickly can happen at a moment’s notice.  In some cases, it starts with elation; in all cases, it ends with the need for responsible planning.…

Preserving a Legacy Through Education

March 18, 2013 Creating a family foundation has long been a popular and effective way for families to give back to the communities in which they live.  For Joseph and Elsie Beck, who for several decades lived down the road from Seton Hall University in South Orange, it was a natural extension of their support for the university and its students. …

CFNJ Responds to Sandy

February 11, 2013 When a disaster strikes, the work of a community foundation takes on added importance.  That’s why we are especially heartened by the tremendous response from our donors and friends across the country in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.…

Philanthropy Rankings Map

February 11, 2013 We’ve long pressed for New Jersey to be the most philanthropic state in the country. Now we have the data to see just how we stack up. And not only our state, but each county, town and zip code.…

Giving Wisely to Disaster Relief

February 7, 2013 The last few years seem to have been marked by a series of terrible natural, and man-made, disasters. Each of these disasters has also seen a wonderful outpouring of giving from across the globe. The March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan is the latest and we at CFNJ extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to victims and families.…

How can I rollover my IRA?

February 6, 2013 When Congress passed legislation to avoid the fiscal cliff earlier this year, they left more than a few taxpayers confused as to what exactly happened.  We won’t attempt to explain it all, but we will try to help donors understand the portion dealing with the IRA charitable rollover.…

PSEG’s Employee Crisis Fund Allows Them to Help Colleagues in Need

February 6, 2013 PSEG is a company known for its commitment to service — ensuring that power flows to NJ homes and businesses every day by taking care of its plants, pipes and wires; helping people in need by responding to natural disasters; and investing in nonprofit organizations that strengthen communities and contribute to education, the environment and community and economic development.…

The Family Hand-Up Fund

February 6, 2013 The Community Foundation of NJ, in partnership with Family Services of Morris County (FSMC), created the Family Hand-Up Fund to assist under-served Morris County families during these difficult economic times. Thanks to the generosity of our CFNJ Donors, we were able to provide funding to Family Services so emergency funds could be directly provided to designated families who are experiencing financial hardships due to the economy.…

100 Women Impacting Hundreds of Others

February 6, 2013 All grant-making organizations must raise funds, manage their boards, evaluate applications, and administer grants. But it is those organizations that make a discernible impact in the community that are the true exemplars. No one knows that better than the six New Jersey women working through the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) to start their own grant-making organization, and it’s why they’ve made impact the name of the game — literally.…

What was Mark Zuckerberg Thinking?

January 3, 2013 Mark Zuckerberg’s recent contribution to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation had some people wondering why he chose to make the gift to a community foundation instead of a private foundation.  Why didn’t he just establish the Mark Zuckerberg Foundation like so many billionaires before him?…