
Tapping Philanthropy’s COVID-Era Spike for Long-Term Priorities

The year 2020 was, in a word, volatile. The back and forth among political partisans on foundational issues such as equity, expression, and race marked a volatile year in our civic squares. The ups and downs in the market, interest rates, and unemployment marked an historically volatile year for the American economy.…

Guidelines for Renewable Scholarships

Guidelines for Scholarships with 4 Installments Fall semester of each year Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to provide the following information to the Foundation by July 15th of each year. Reminder notices are not sent out. Future installments are contingent upon the following: Student remains enrolled on a full time basis in a college or university within the United States.…

Rolling over an IRA to support the causes you care about

December 10, 2020 Individuals 70.5 years of age and older may transfer up to $100,000 of IRA assets per year to public charities without being subject to federal income taxes on the distribution. Using your IRA in partnership with the Community Foundation is a great way to support the causes and organizations you care about.…

Recommendations for Giving Tuesday

If it has been your privilege to give more than you might otherwise this year (and by the looks of it, that is true of many fundholders!), it has been our privilege to steward that giving. Now it’s time for one more push. 

Donating at year’s end? Keep these dates in mind.

For the Community Foundation of New Jersey, year-end is an intense period in which we facilitate a huge volume of grants from our very generous fundholders to the causes and charities they care about. To make this process run smoothly, we’d like to remind you of the following: If you need a grant made by December 31st of this year, we kindly ask you to initiate that grant by December 23rd.…

The CARES Act and Community: Three 2020 Upsides

Silver linings are hard to find this year, but it’s worth remembering that the CARES Act created important opportunities to increase giving to charitable causes. Keep these three tools in mind as you considering your year-end tax planning: Even for taxpayers who take the standard deduction, a reduction in adjusted gross income is available for charitable contributions up to $300 per taxpayer.…

Impact 100 Garden State to host virtual panel on hunger in our communities

As the holidays approach, food drives remind the community that local families are struggling to afford meals. This year, however, the need is more acute than ever. In fact, the Community FoodBank of New Jersey has reported that the number of New Jerseyans struggling with hunger is projected to rise by 56% as a direct result of COVID-19, with every county in the state seeing a rise in food insecurity—including counties in northern New Jersey.…