
Animal Lover’s Philanthropic Legacy Continues in Morris Plains

October 10, 2018 For one longtime fundholder at the Community Foundation, a charitable bequest was the perfect way to continue her legacy of care and concern for animals. The Community Foundation now administers the Great Companions Fund – an endowed fund established through a bequest in the fundholder’s will – and ensures that the dollars are put toward the most effective programs in line with the fundholder’s intent: to care for and work with companion animals and wildlife across New Jersey.…

Impact 100 Garden State Announces 2018 Grant Finalists

October 10, 2018 Impact 100 Garden State, a Special Project fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey, is pleased to announce its 2018 grant finalists. They are: Greater Bergen Community Action – Paterson Family Financial Empowerment Literacy New Jersey – Literacy 100 Morris County Prevention Is Key, Inc.…

Before Florence Hits: Act now to help the Carolinas

September 13, 2018 Hurricane Florence is on track to wreak havoc across the Carolinas, with landfall expected tonight. Despite the tremendous evacuation efforts, there remains a high potential for fatalities and the total devastation of communities. Now’s the time to help.

Field Trip New Jersey announces latest round of funding

August 29, 2018 The Field Trip New Jersey fund is opening its 2018-2019 application process, with additional funding available for field trips taking place during the upcoming school year. Whether you have received funding for field trip transportation in the past or you are hearing about this for the first time, be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity for your students.…

Providing Quality Healthcare for the Uninsured through Volunteer Clinics

On the Road with CFNJ On the Road with CFNJ aims to highlight critical issues facing communities in New Jersey and introduce some of the good people doing great work across the state.  Week in and week out, members of the CFNJ grantmaking and program teams are fortunate to meet nonprofit leaders and their colleagues who are putting out tremendous energy, resourcefulness and care in the work they do to make New Jersey a better place for all. 

Morristown Festival of Books returns October 12-13, 2018

July 30, 2018 The popular Morristown Festival of Books will return on Friday, October 12th and Saturday, October 13th this year. Modeled after successful book festivals in other communities throughout the world, the Morristown Festival of Books brings together acclaimed authors with readers and book lovers.…

Interventions that work: Double Up Food Bucks

July 23, 2018 At the Community Foundation of New Jersey, we love connecting our fundholders to philanthropic interventions that work. That they are typically also unique, innovative, low-cost, and inspiring only makes the philanthropic investment more meaningful. Recently, our Leadership Committee identified an opportunity for fundholders and other charity-minded New Jerseyans to increase access to healthy foods in those urban areas where it is woefully lacking.…

How to Help Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in New Jersey

June 22, 2018 The treatment of children entering the United States at the southern border has dominated the news in recent weeks, with debate around their future reaching a fever pitch. A number of our fundholders have asked how they can use their fund to be helpful so we wanted to share the impact this issue is having in New Jersey.…

First Lady Tammy Murphy Heralds Women’s Role in Philanthropy

May 24, 2018 New Jersey First Lady Tammy Snyder Murphy on Monday spoke to a luncheon of women affiliated with the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) about women’s changing role in philanthropy. The discussion at the Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit focused on ways women are leveraging their financial decision-making role to improve the communities in which they live.…