
Update from Johnson & Johnson

September 7, 2017 The Community Foundation is pleased to partner with Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc., effective January 1, 2018, to facilitate their charitable contributions that support work in the community by nonprofit organizations. Please note that nonprofits focused on healthcare and basic needs in Somerset and Hunterdon Counties should apply directly to the Johnson & Johnson Somerset County Companies HealthCare and Basic Needs Fund and not to the Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc.…

Give to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

August 28, 2017 Houston and much of southeast Texas have been pummeled by Hurricane Harvey, with more than two feet of rain in some spots and no relief in sight. More than 30,000 people are already in shelters, and FEMA expects up to a half million people will require assistance.…

Community Foundation Grants $140,000 to Morris Nonprofits

July 18, 2017 The Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) today announced that its Morris County Committee has awarded $140,539 in grants to support the work of 18 local nonprofit organizations. This critical funding will enable the nonprofits to continue making a positive impact, and is targeted at serving Morris County’s most vulnerable populations.…

Nicholas Kristof profiles work incubated at CFNJ

July 11, 2017 Great ideas come in all shapes and sizes, though they almost all need a little structure or organizing before becoming reality. At the Community Foundation of New Jersey, we have incubated great ideas that have morphed into impact-driven funds or even nonprofit organizations of their own.…

Find info about NJ summer meal sites!

June 29, 2017 Our friends at Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) share that: the New Jersey Department of Agriculture has uploaded meal sites and locations to the USDA’s sitefinder at this link. People can also text the word “food” to 877 877 and get a list of sites in their area.…

Get Ahead of the Summer Slowdown

June 29, 2017 Summer for a lot of New Jerseyans means more time at the Shore or in the backyard. We all unplug, decompress, go on vacation. It’s also a time for fundholders to take an inventory of the kind of assets they might want to put towards charity.…

Somers Point Students Visit Strathmere Beach

June 20, 2017 Students from the Jordan Road School in Somers Point recently experienced a beautiful beach day in Strathmere, New Jersey. The students participated in a beach cleanup, nature walk, and various eco-awareness activities. Below are a few student reflections and pictures from their amazing day.…

150 Years is Enough

June 15, 2017 On Wednesday, June 28th, our friends in the Youth Justice New Jersey coalition will be outside New Jersey’s largest youth prison – Jamesburg – to call for its closure.  If you would like to join this gathering, please see the invitation below.

Dover Students Visit Liberty Science Center

June 12, 2017 Students from Academy Street School in Dover recently visited the Liberty Science Center. “I had a great day and I hope to go again. My favorite exhibit was My Hudson Home because I got to see turtles and many more big fishes,” said Jessica.…