
Highlights from our Discussion with Andrea Jung

October 13, 2016 We were very pleased to host Andrea Jung, President & CEO of Grameen America, at the Community Foundation today for an illuminating conversation about the future impact of women in philanthropy. Guests ranged from women who lead major nonprofit institutions and foundations to those who are active volunteers, donors, and fundholders.…

How to Help Haiti

October 4, 2016 The people of Haiti have already been through so much, and still haven’t fully recovered from the 2010 earthquake that leveled so much of their country, making the impact of Hurricane Matthew especially devastating. Many philanthropic New Jerseyans are asking how they can help the people of Haiti during this especially trying time.…

10 Questions with Board Chair Tom Uhlman

August 29, 2016 Tom Uhlman will enter his fourth and final year as Chair of the Community Foundation’s Board, so we spoke with him about how the Community Foundation has evolved and grown over the past several years. A highlight of Tom’s tenure on the Board has been his focus on governance and leadership work, two areas in which the Community Foundation has built on past successes.…

‘Yellow Card’ Dating Violence Campaign Reports on Progress

August 25, 2016 When the Community Foundation’s Morris County Committee made a grant to Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS) to help launch the Yellow Card Campaign in 2014, it was with the goal of increasing awareness of dating-related violence and, importantly, supporting a culture of safety and respect.…

Community Foundation Bolsters Helpline to Fight Opiate Epidemic

August 12, 2016 By now, you’ve heard the statistic. If every New Jerseyan addicted to heroin today lived in one place, it would be New Jersey’s fourth-largest city. With a population of 128,000, “Herointown” – as the Star-Ledger dubbed it – would feature people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds.…

Students learn through art and reading at Philadelphia Museum of Art

July 25, 2016 On July 14th, twenty-three Head Start students from Center For Family Services experienced a culturally and intellectually stimulating field trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art thanks to a grant made possible by the Field Trip New Jersey Fund, a new fund and pilot program designed to support opportunities for students in underserved communities to experience field trips.…

A Father’s Tribute, a Family’s Legacy, a Resource for New Jersey

July 21, 2016 When Beatrice Oberkirch Curtis passed away in March 2013, it set into motion a series of events that unlocked a major philanthropic resource for New Jersey and with it the story of her late husband who, years before his own death, put together the pieces to perpetuate his family’s philanthropic legacy.…

New Paths Newark Congratulates First Graduate

July 20, 2016 When Joanne Bernardino came to the United States from the Philippines at just 16 years old, she knew then that one of her mother’s dreams in life was to see her daughter graduate from college. And Joanne had every intention of getting that degree, enrolling at New Jersey City University in 2002.…

Salem High School Students Study Wastewater Treatment

June 28, 2016 Students from Salem High School recently visited a wastewater treatment facility in Pennsylvania to learn about the processes by which wastewater – from household or business sinks, toilets, showers, dishwashers, etc. – is treated before being returned to the natural environment.…