
Community Foundation Giving Way Up

June 24, 2020 Market downturns often have a negative impact on charitable giving, and that has certainly been the case so far this year. As the Dow shed more than one third of its value in March, the Association of Fundraising Professionals reports that individual giving declined by 6 percent in the first quarter.…

New Donor Portal Coming Soon

June 12, 2020 You spoke and we’re listening! We’ve heard from many fundholders about their desire to do even more of their grantmaking online, and we’ve seen ourselves how popular online giving has become. That’s why, later this month, we’ll be introducing a new online donor portal.

The Sonny Orza Memorial Fund

Thank you for your gift to the Sonny Orza Memorial Fund. Cash contributions may be made by check payable and mailed to: Community Foundation of New Jersey Post Office Box 338 Morristown, New Jersey 07963-0338…

Using a CLAT to create an income stream to charities

June 8, 2020 Our recent communications have highlighted the unique importance of Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) and Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts (CLATs) in today’s market conditions. Given the critical needs facing our community right now, the team at the Community Foundation wants to reiterate the value of these two planning tools.…

Impact 100 Garden State Announces 2020 Grant Finalists

June 4, 2020 Impact 100 Garden State is pleased to announce its 2020 Grant Finalists.  Here are the seven finalists along with their program names: Bonnie Brae – IIC Expansion: Alternative Therapies for Youth & Families (Liberty Corner, Somerset County) Caring Contact – Preparing for 988:  Building Hotline Capacity (Westfield, Union County) Cornerstone Family Programs – Teen Pathways to Brighter Futures (Morristown, Morris County) Family Promise – Road to Success: Empowering Families Through Transportation (Summit, Union County) Homeless Solutions Inc.…

A Letter to the Community

June 1, 2020 This morning was a particularly beautiful one in New Jersey. Sadly, it comes amidst deep pain, fear, and anguish in communities across our state and country. We at the Community Foundation of New Jersey are heartbroken by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the many senseless deaths that have preceded it.…

New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund Announces Statewide Healthcare Grants

April 20, 2020 The New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund (NJPRF) today announced grants to the state’s four Regional Health Hubs and to Catholic Charities in Newark to provide testing, care, and opportunities for self-quarantine to some of New Jersey’s most vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, the homeless, and those seeking treatment for substance abuse disorder.…

Multiplying the effect of our philanthropy

April 14, 2020 The magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging so much of the thinking around philanthropic giving, and stirring up an urgent desire for impact. Donors want to make things better now. We’re hearing this sentiment from the countless New Jerseyans we help give in ways that are personalized, precise, and flexible, but above all, effective.…