
The Terry Dehere Endowment Fund

Terry Dehere, a retired NBA basketball player and legendary Seton Hall Pirate, announced today he has launched The Terry Dehere Endowment Fund. The purpose of the fund is to support 24 major initiatives which will primarily help at-risk students achieve success and fund community beautification projects in underserved neighborhoods.…

Community Foundation Fundholders Give More than $100 Million in 2021

January 24, 2022 The Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) today thanked its 1,174 fundholders for making 7,907 philanthropic gifts to worthy causes and communities in 2021 totaling $103 million. The total dollar amount of grants is a record for the Community Foundation, following annual grantmaking of $87.5 million in 2020 and $57.8 million in 2019.…

Maslow Scholarship Accepting 2022 Applications

The Community Foundation of New Jersey today announced that The Jonathan Maslow Scholarship, which it administers on behalf of members of the Red Bank Regional High School (RBRHS) Class of 1966, is accepting applications for the Fall 2022 term. The Jonathan Maslow Scholarship is open to all RBRHS juniors and seniors who plan to continue their education at an accredited 2 or 4-year college immediately following their graduation.…

Community Foundations Create Relief Funds to Support Those Impacted by Deadly Tornadoes

December 14, 2021 As communities begin to rebuild following the deadly tornadoes that struck the Midwest and South, fundholders at the Community Foundation of New Jersey have asked how best to help those in need. We are in contact with community foundations on the ground that are quickly responding to the catastrophe by creating relief funds to collect and distribute money to support those who have been seriously impacted.…

What to do with a “big, fat inheritance”

The New York Times’ “Ethicist” column recently answered the question, “What should I do with my big, fat inheritance?” The Ethicist gives a lot of good advice around philanthropic giving, going so far as to say that, “[ours] is a richly variegated world, with many values and many things to value; it isn’t as if all charitable giving must go to malaria prevention.”…

Opportunities to have impact in New Jersey

November 2021 Fundholders at the Community Foundation of New Jersey are doing spectacular things across the philanthropic spectrum, initiating thousands of grants this year alone. At the same time, we at the Community Foundation are granting out discretionary dollars with an eye toward effecting lasting change.…

Dates to keep in mind for year-end giving

Year-end is a busy time at the Community Foundation of New Jersey, as we facilitate a large volume of grants from generous fundholders to the causes and charities they care about. In November and December of last year, we processed 3,002 grants totaling $21 million.…

Hinsch Scholar Jillian Krinsky ‘on the run’ at Virginia Tech

November 4, 2021 Jillian Krinsky knows how to balance a busy schedule, as evidenced by her large course load and many extra curricular activities at Virginia Tech. Pursuing a degree in Environmental Policy and Planning, Jillian is taking a range of courses, including Sustainable Transportation for Health – a not-so foreign concept for sailors like herself.…