
Introducing our new socially responsible investment option

November 16, 2017 Among the benefits of a donor advised, legacy, or scholarship fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey is the tax-free growth of your fund over time. As your fund balance increases, so too does your ability to have an impact on the communities or causes you care about most.…

Creating your own scholarship fund

November 14, 2017 To kick off this season of thanks, we are extending the opportunity to create a meaningful and lasting scholarship fund to all interested New Jerseyans. Please click for our Scholarship Fund Fact Sheet to review the myriad ways to support New Jersey’s next generation of learners and productive citizens.…

Impact 100 Awards Two Grants of $141,000 to Area Nonprofits

November 13, 2017 Never underestimate the power of a woman, and surely not the power of 282 women who share a common goal. These are the members of Impact100 Garden State who in five years have raised and distributed $1,051,000 in grants to nonprofit organizations in northern New Jersey.…

The Alex Patenaude Fund

The Alex Patenaude Fund’s mission is to help build a meaningful and lasting memory of Alex Patenaude and the social and emotional gifts Alex brought to his life.  Alex always – and instinctively – helped his friends and family with his compassion, great listening skills, and warmth.…

Hooey Scholar Adds Four Military Tours to Academic Career

November 6, 2017 For Stan Serbanica, earning the 2008 Austin Hooey Scholarship and acceptance into his “dream school” of New York University was just the beginning. There were, of course, many accomplishments leading up to that point – the three-time class president was voted by his peers the “Most Likely to Succeed” and would be the first in his family to attend college.…

Fundholder Takes on the Nonprofit Retirement Challenge

November 2, 2017 One of the Community Foundation’s longtime fundholders is driving an effort to improve nonprofit employee retirement packages with an eye to increasing long-term resources for employees, nonprofit effectiveness, and employee retention. Charities and their boards are heeding his call.…

JJHCS Information and Grant Guidelines

Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. (JJHCS) is proud to partner with the Community Foundation of New Jersey, a nonprofit foundation, to facilitate and streamline the JJHCS grantmaking process for all charitable contribution requests. Effective January 1, 2018, requests for funding must be submitted via the JJHCS charitable contributions RFP template, including applicable attachments, and submitted via email to Madeline Rivera at…

Roots & Wings Hosts Successful ‘Rise & Fly’ Gala

November 1, 2017 Roots & Wings on Friday, October 27th hosted 300 attendees at the Mansion at Mountain Lakes for their annual gala event at which they raised nearly $300,000. The Rise & Fly gala honored the Community Foundation of New Jersey and other funders, partner nonprofits, and volunteers who have dedicated significant resources and time to helping individuals who are aging out of New Jersey’s child welfare system.…

In Focus: Women Who Give

October 20, 2017 On October 19th, the Community Foundation was pleased to host Hali Lee, Tuhina De O’Connor, and more than 50 fundholders and friends for an in-depth conversation on the increased role women play in driving American philanthropy. Mariner Wealth Advisors, our co-hosts for the event, provided the venue, with Managing Partner Bob DiQuollo stressing the importance of professional advisors being in tune with this trend.…

Responding to the Northern California Fires

October 16, 2017 We are pleased to share the below information on responding the California’s wildfires from the Northern California Grantmakers: Community Needs With fires active and evacuations expanding, relief operations continue to be the focus of activity at this time.…